Hierbij enkele voorbeelden van gegevens die op internet te vinden zijn:
A typical office worker can waste up to two hours a day looking for misplaced paperwork. Nevada State Library and Archives, “Points to Ponder.”
Three percent of documents are misfiled. Carlos A. Cuadra, “The Corporate Memory and the Bottom Line.”
Large organizations lose a document every 12 seconds. Carlos A. Cuadra, “The Corporate Memory and the Bottom Line.”
7.5% of paper documents are lost forever. Carlos A. Cuadra, “The Corporate Memory and the Bottom Line.”
The average executive spends 150 to 250 hours a year looking for misplaced, misfiled, or lost documents. Carlos A. Cuadra, “The Corporate Memory and the Bottom Line.”
U.S. managers spend an average of four weeks a year looking for misplaced, misfiled, or lost documents. Carlos A. Cuadra, “The Corporate Memory and the Bottom Line.”
The typical executive spends an average of 150 hours per year looking for lost documents. Glen Rifkin, “The Future of the Document”, Forbes ASAP (October 9, 1995)
en zo zijn er nog wel meer te vinden.
Met vriendelijke groet,
B. Jousma
IT Accent bv
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